Responsible business activities: management systems
We work in a sustainable manner, in accordance with our vision and values. We use established management systems and approaches to reduce ecological, economic and social risks. Group guidelines and directives ensure that sustainability is taken into account in operations and projects.
We systematically train and raise awareness among our employees to comply with these guidelines. Some key management systems and codes of conduct are listed below.
- Swisscom codes and guidelines, such as the Code of Conduct and the Code of Conduct for Procurement
- Compliance management system and compliance report to promote and monitor compliance with the law, e.g. in the area of anti-corruption
- Fraud management to reduce risk of fraud through prevention and detection measures
- SA8000 certification and guidelines on protecting human rights within the Group and in our supply chains based on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
- Certification according to ISO standards 9001, 14001, 140064, 20000, 27001 and 33002
- FCOS-certified system for ensuring occupational health and safety
- Quality assurance system for measuring the electromagnetic fields of our mobile antennas
- Guaranteed data security at Swisscom and cyber-security offerings for customers
- Responsible marketing through compliance with the principles of the Swiss Commission for Fairness in Advertising
Further details can be found at: safeguard trade secrets, we do not publish any compliance reports. More information can be found in the Annual Report in the chapter on compliance management.